Game Modes
Last updated
Last updated
Learn the basic rules of the game.
Play against a BOT to test your skills and new strategies.
Challenge your friends in friendly matches just for fun.
Play against other players by betting amounts on BIGM.
Betting levels: 5 / 10 / 50 / 100 / 1000 / 10000
The player who wins keeps 95% of the accumulated
5% will go to fee (1% burn / 2% Tournament Wallet / 2% Development Wallet).
Play against other players for points that define your position in the rankings and win prizes in BIGM. The TOP500 players in the ranking will be awarded BGM.
Create your guild with up to 50 players and participate in matches against other players with rival guilds. Accumulating points for a big prize in BIGM for the TOP 3 guilds in the game.
*The value of the prizes for all tournaments (Rankeds) will be announced before they open. It will have a value of “X” + Accumulated in the Tournament portfolio with a Fee of 1% of all BIGM Token negotiations.
*Future games also shared this wallet for their prizes, until new games are released, all the money raised will go to Battle Of Zodiacs players.
Learn the basic rules of the game.
Play against a BOT to test your skills and new strategies.
Challenge your friends in friendly matches just for fun.
Play against other players for points that define your position in the rankings and win prizes in BIGM. The TOP10 players in the ranking will be awarded BGM.
*The value of prizes for all tournaments will be announced before they open. It will have a “Y” value in BIGM. Prize pools for Steam players will be considerably lower than for NFT players.